Every second spent wondering, is another second lost that could have been spent changing.

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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Pursuit

In my opinion, the best worded phrase in a historical document* is found in the Declaration of Independence. This phrase is very renown and goes like this: 
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
The part I want to focus on is the underlined, bolded, italicized part(so it cannot be missed!!); "the pursuit of happiness." Even our forefathers knew that happiness was not a given right, but the pursuit of it was. So, how do we then attain happiness?

Well, like stated, it is a pursuit. To pursue something is to seek after something; in this case, happiness. Happiness must be something we seek out every single day. We must seek happiness in all we do: in every breath, in every step, in every word, in every action, in every decision. The biggest lie that we can ever tell ourselves is that we are entitled to happiness. That we have worked so hard and we are now entitled to this. Truth is, we are only entitled to the pursuit.

So, whatever it is that you are going through in your life: whether it be a relationship, school, work, sports, acting, singer, whatever it is, you must pursue happiness. You must seek it out with all you've got! If you want to have that smile on your face, that smile that you actually mean, you have to seek it out in everything you do. There are many things in life that you can attain through connections or just pure luck, like landing that perfect job, meeting that dream producer, landing an audition in that dream movie. But, once you get that job, record deal, or leading role, what must you do? You must continually work at it, must continually grind, must continually seek it out! It is never finished, it is never accomplished, it is never done. It is a pursuit. 

Happiness is attainable, it is very, very attainable. But, where will you look for it? Guess it's just yours to pursue.

*Besides the Bible, of course.

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